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Discipleship Ministry

Discipleship pursues conformity of the believer into the image of Jesus Christ.  It promotes learning among God’s people and an obedient response to His Word.  The message we declare to young and old alike is based upon a literal, grammatical, and historical interpretation of the entire Bible.  Our objective is to establish a discipleship ministry that will encourage all members to pursue a life which imitates Christ. It is our intent to establish a Christian education program to meet the spiritual needs of the people and train them in the understanding of God’s word and its application to their lives.

Explore below for all the ways you can study God’s word.

You are welcome to join us for Bible Study and Prayer on Wednesday evenings beginning at 7 pm. Click on the banner to join.

To join us by phone, dial this Conference number: 267-807-9495 then enter the Attendee Access Code: 532-393-324 when prompted.

Sunday School is back in session from 8:45 am to 9:30 am.  

Adult Sunday School: 

Click the link below to join the meeting for adults:

Join Free Conference Call

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Men’s Bible Study

Join the Men’s Ministry on Monday nights ‘virtually’ from 7:00 to 8:00. Click here to join on Monday starting at 7pm. Please text Pastor Holloman at 202-538-3245 or email at for information.

Christian Education Institute

Click the banner above to explore the classes for the 2023 Fall semester.